I have over 17 years experience of working within the mental health sector, both with adults, as well as children and young people. I have extensive experience and training in psychology and a range
of psychotherapeutic approaches, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT), Mindfulness and Compassionate Based Approaches, Solution
Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) and Eye-Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR).
I have effectively provided strategies in helping individuals for many years and based on my work in 2017 I won ‘The Shining Star’ award. This award was received from the Centre of Excellence for
‘making a positive difference to the lives of others’. I am an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapists (BABCP) and receive
regular clinical supervision from an experienced CBT therapist.
I am clearly passionate about mental health, specifically improving services and the provision available for children and young people. In January 2017 I supported the ShawMind Foundation’s petition
which argues for the discussion of mental health to be made compulsory to the school curriculum. This was debated in parliament after receiving over 100,000 signatures. I recognise the importance
of raising awareness of mental health, hoping to increase understanding and reduce the stigma attached to this issue. I have been actively involved in raising awareness of mental health issues
through training school staff, as well as professionals working for various organisations, targeting those who have the greatest impact.
In 2017 I developed a Mental Health Model for Schools which was successfully implemented in schools around the Preston area. The strategic model offers a whole-school approach to mental health; helping
schools to support children and young people experiencing mental health problems and promoting positive emotional health among the student population. I have had a large number of articles published
based on this model and links to these articles are highlighted in my work in schools.
I regularly write about mental health issues for various organisations, aiming to raise awareness of mental health for different audiences. I have also recently written a Children and Young People’s
Mental Health and Wellbeing Certificate for professionals to complete online.
In 2019 I developed a strategic plan around mental health and wellbeing for all Pupil Referral Units (PRU's) across six Local Authorities in South Wales. This involved carrying out an initial audit
of the mental health provision provided in each school, identifying good practice, highlighting staff training needs, areas where improvements were needed, offering an action plan to each school
and then delivering training to staff later in the year. I was then invited to be the keynote speaker at a headteachers conference in Swansea, subsequently being asked to offer mental health
training to education staff within numerous primary and secondary schools. Similarly, I have recently started working in collaboration with the Family Wellness Practice based in London. This
service consists of a friendly team of psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists who all have the same vision as me in terms of improving outcomes for children, young people and families.
More detailed information about what the Family Wellness Practice offers is provided on their website: Family Wellness Practice
I am passionate about research and in 2014 I had an article published which explored service-users experiences of receiving trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (TFCBT) for post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). A link to this article is provided below:
Read article here
Organisations and services I have written for include: Insight for Life, The Wigan Observer, The Lancashire Evening Post, Education Executive, Socialcare.co.uk, MQ Transforming Mental Health through
Research, Education Magazine, the Shaw Mind Foundation, Centre of Excellence, Division of Clinical Psychology, NCC Resources Ltd. and the Contemporary Journal for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies.
Most importantly I am mum to two amazing children of my own; every day they teach me to be mindful and remind me about what’s important in life.
Qualifications and Training
- P.G.Dip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Pass, The University of Cumbria.
- M.Sc Psychology, First Class Honours Degree, The University of Central Lancashire.
- B.Sc Psychology, First Class Honours Degree, The University of Central Lancashire.
- Eye Movement Desensitisation (EMDR) - Fully Accredited
- Self-Harming Behaviour
- Bipolar Awareness Training
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
- Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)
- Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
- Compassionate Mind Therapy (CMT)
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
- Delivering Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Person-Centred Counselling - Level 2
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- Training in Suicide and Early Intervention (ASSIST)
- Loss and Bereavement
- Diploma in working with Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders
- Level 3 in Education and Training
- Diploma in Couples and Family Therapy
- Sensory Processing Disorder Diploma
- Challenging Behaviour in Children and Young People Diploma
- Diploma in Pain Management
- ASD and the Anxiety Disorders
- Understanding Adolescent Risk
- Mindful Mental Health Diploma
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Level 3